Make money by joining our affiliate program! Earn a
commission (20-30%) on each sale of Aaron's WebVacuum
referred from your site. Partner with either of our
eSellerate or
RegNow. You can then get a custom build of Aaron's
WebVacuum with your affiliate link on the WebVacuum's "Buy
Now" button. To download a custom build of Aaron's
WebVacuum for
eSellerate, click here. To get a custom build of
Aaron's WebVacuum for
RegNow, click here. (You must register to be an
affiliate with either company BEFORE downloading the custom
How does it work?
We will e-mail you a special link to use on your web
site. When someone clicks on this link and registers the
WebVacuum, you get a percentage of each sale. Additionally,
we can offer you a customized version of Aaron's WebVacuum
with a 'Buy Now' button that links to this page at you
site. You may offer this version to your users.
How much does it cost to join?
Free. There are no costs to join.
What's the catch?
There is no catch. However, to make the this program
worth your while, you should have at least 100 visitors per
day at your web site.
How can I be sure that you will pay me?
The whole process is maintained by either eSellerate or
RegNow. They are both large internet corporations that have
been in business for many years. They take care of tracking,
processing customer's payment, and mailing out your checks.
How often do I get paid?
Monthly, when checks exceed $100. Payment is sent out 30
days after the end of the month.
How can I keep track of sales?
Real-time reports are available through either company. When
you register, you will get a personalized account, where you
can log in 24 hours a day to get your real-time reports.
Do I have to live in the USA to participate?
No, you can be located anywhere in the world.
How do I sign up?
Step 1: Sign up for either
Step 2: Get your custom build of Aaron's WebVacuum from
eSellerate or
Step 3: Offer your custom build to users and get
Email us for
more information! |